Saturday 12 October 2013

My Favorite Season

Fall, My Favorite Season

Fall is my favorite season.First of all, fall is a harvest season. when it is coming, Corns is fully grown, ripe fruits is increasing day and day until the weather is frost,that is to say, when the temperature outside falls bellow freezing point and the ground becomes covered in ice crystals. Apples, pears and grapes are harvested, peoples can eat local fresh fruits everyday. Farmers are happiest, they are working on fields, harvest corns, green bean, potato and etc, then taking their corns to Farmer's Market to sale it, getting their salary,they often work until sunrise. Second, fall is the beautiful season, it is coming, leave's color gradually change. No matter plain, mountain, farm, forest and grassland is a riot of color. Some leaves are green, another leaves are red,brown and yellow etc. It's simple painting has been painted by season. In late fall, snow cover the top of the mountain, the upper is white, the lower is forest that has been painted various color, the scene is charming, then everybody are reluctant to leave. In addition to, weather is becoming cool, the sky becomes clearer each day for better star gazing night.people leave the scorching hot weather, go in for outdoor activities, hiking, climbing mountain, play soccer and taking a tour to keep themselves health.Final, it has Halloween, Thanksgiving and Labor Day, also fall fashion is a bonus, sweaters, longs leave shirt, and boots.For all these reasons, I just love fall season, which season do you love?

1 comment:

  1. I think you gave lots of great reasons for enjoying fall. Unfortunately, in Calgary fall is a short season, so people have to get out and enjoy it as much as possible! In November, winter will probably start.

    Apples, pears and grapes are harvested, and people can eat local fresh fruits every day.

    In addition, the weather is becoming cool, and the sky becomes clearer each day for better star gazing at night.
