Friday 22 November 2013

Chinese chess

To talk about game should be easy to everyone, but it seems a little difficult to me because I first think of digital game when you ask me about game. When I was a child, the digital game hasn’t appeared; moreover I lived in countryside, I had to raise animal and help my parents to take care of

farm after school. So, playing game was luxury to me, the game that I can remember is now is board game, and most of them is playing on the ground. Most game is lost now, only one game that is still popular is Chinese chess, and you still can see many people paly it in China, also, in Calgary. Let me introduce Chinese chess, it’s an ancient game, and originated from 547 BC. The game resembles chess, play on a board consisting of two halves. Each has eight columns and four rows, and separate with a strip. Each part has sixteen pieces representing the military of ancient China. Two people play the game, and the pieces are placed on the intersection of the lines, you will win when opponent’s general is checkmated. It’s a good game, can train your analyzing ability and logical ability.


  1. Chinese chess, sometimes I play it with my friends.

  2. I actually used to know the rules to Chinese checkers when I was a kid, but not to chess! I'm sure there are some digital versions that I could use know if I wanted to learn.

    Thus, playing games was a luxury to me; the game that I can remember is now is a board game, and most of them were played on the ground.

    It’s a good game, as it can train your analyzing ability and logical ability.
